Thursday, June 20, 2013

Maria Montessori Quotes

“Of all things love is the most potent.”

 “The child can develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experiences ‘work’.”

 “When dealing with children there is greater need for observing than of probing”

 “The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.”


  1. I enjoyed reading your quotes especially "of all things love is most potent" I feel when you love something you will do good because you love what you do. In order to be happy and enjoy anything there has to be love. I love working with children and I love my job. I am very happy achieving my Master's degree and I love the classes. I had started a different program I took one class and I said this is not for me I'm going back to what I really enjoy early childhood education. Great quotes!!

    1. Hi Lucina,

      I transferred from the MAT in Special Ed. Where did you transfer from?

  2. Maria Montessori really looked at children from a child's perspective. You have selected quotes from Maria Montessori which reflect her love for children and her ability to take a child's perspective and put it into adult terms. I agree with Maria Montessori, that if we view children/child development through a lens of love, we will be able to see children for who they are, not what we (adults) project onto them.

  3. Thanks Mary,

    I enjoyed working in a Montessori School one summer.

    Liz Thomas

  4. Hi Elizabeth,

    The quote that references observing rather than probing is so true. Through observation you get to see every little detail. I really enjoyed the observation assignments the most from our course. It really made me see that the majority of the theorists in our course took out a lot of time observing children. I saw so many things from the textbook displayed in the observations that I did.

  5. Hi Kiara,

    Although I have done observations before, I don't remember my other observations being as intense as the ones in this class. I was amazed at how much went on in a half hour of a young child's life.

    Liz Thomas
