Thursday, January 24, 2013

Personal Childhood Web: Mom

     My mother is one person in my personal childhood web. My mom was a very accepting open minded person who was like a gracious servant to her 12 children. Our family said the rosary every night. I remember kneeling next to my mom when I was five and feeling very satisfied when I knew all the prayers. Today, my mom is like a saint that we all go to to ask her to pray for our many worries or desires. She has a really bad memory now, but I can still make her laugh. I remember walking everywhere with her as a child because she was afraid to drive. We walked to daily mass, to the grocery store when my dad was sailing around the world on oil tankers, and to the bus stop. I remember my mom listening to me talk on these walks and sometimes getting tired of my incessant talking about things that I found so important just as you may be getting tired of reading my long posts.


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    Contrary to your belief, I do find your posts interesting.It seems as though you and your mom are very close.It is also good to have a mother who prayers for her children. Hope my mom is blessed with long life just like yours

  2. Hi Nicola,
    Thanks for the response and for the feedback! My mom lives in California and I live in Illinois, but I call her. My mom grew up in Illinois and I grew up in California. We switched states!

    Liz Thomas

  3. Hello, I find your posts very interesting. It seem like you had alot of support from everyone. Also I know yiou had fun as a child because you had many brothers and sisters.

  4. Hi Terry,

    Thanks! We did have a lot of fun! I played basketball and football with my brothers Joe and John. We also went to the high school to play tennis or just hit tennis balls in the hand ball courts. We rode our bikes to the beach and we enjoyed singing and dancing to records together.

    Thanks again!

    Liz Thomas
