Sunday, April 9, 2017

International Organizations and International Jobs

FHI 360

               I chose FHI 360 for one of my international organizations. The web address is . I chose this organization because their mission and vision resonated with me, because one of their focuses is in research, and because one of their projects was “The Center for Parent Information and Resources.” Their mission statement is this: “To improve lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions for human development.”

I looked in their careers for one that involved research and information for parents. I didn’t see one like this although I would be interested in a job like that. There were opportunities for interns and consultants that I might be interested in. For consultants, the requirement was to have specialized skill or knowledge. This would be a position I might be interested in especially since the site explained that the consultant would be responsible for his or her own work environment. I would love to be able to work from home! Unfortunately, after looking over the site, I could foresee that there might differences in personal ethics; however, it might be possible to work on a project in which I would agree with the organization.

Catholic Relief Services

               I might also like to work for Catholic Relief Services as a 4Children Uganda Project Director. 4Children is a program to strengthen families, prevent AIDS, and help orphans. This job sounded interesting because it was with a Catholic organization and I would really be helping children; however, it would be very difficult for me to work in Uganda, for which a job was posted, because I don’t think my husband would agree to go as a family with me and our children.

               Here are some of the requirements for this job:

“Master’s degree in Sociology, Social Work, Public Health, International Development, or a related field.

10+ years of experience in programs focused on OVC and/or child protection programming; experience with parenting/family strengthening programs, case management approaches and social service systems strengthening strongly preferred.

There was also a very long list of what CRS hoped the candidate had already accomplished in his or her career. Here is a link to that job:

International Step by Step Association (ISSA)

I liked that they had online trainings.

ISSA offers the following services:

    Capacity Building - ISSA provides opportunities for enriching members’ capacity to carry out innovative programs: workshops, thematic meetings, member exchanges, technical assistance and license to resources developed by ISSA.    

    Community Building - ISSA promotes shared values in the network and links the membership into a strong international learning community across Europe and Central Asia.    

    Amplifier - ISSA supports advocacy for change, actions and interventions serving ISSA’s mission on behalf of young children and their families.   

    Convener - ISSA provides its members with network representation and support for building partnerships with international networks and other stakeholders.  From

ISSA offers online courses and trainings in the following areas:

    Early Childhood Development

    Quality in Early Childhood Education

    Quality in Home Visiting Services

    Embracing Diversity

    Second Language Learning


This is UNESCO’s mission: UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Organization focuses, in particular, on two global priorities.

I chose to look up UNESCO because it is part of the United Nations, and I heard so much about the United Nations when I was in elementary school.

There were jobs posted, but they were not related to early childhood, and they were in Paris, France.