Sunday, April 9, 2017

International Organizations and International Jobs

FHI 360

               I chose FHI 360 for one of my international organizations. The web address is . I chose this organization because their mission and vision resonated with me, because one of their focuses is in research, and because one of their projects was “The Center for Parent Information and Resources.” Their mission statement is this: “To improve lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions for human development.”

I looked in their careers for one that involved research and information for parents. I didn’t see one like this although I would be interested in a job like that. There were opportunities for interns and consultants that I might be interested in. For consultants, the requirement was to have specialized skill or knowledge. This would be a position I might be interested in especially since the site explained that the consultant would be responsible for his or her own work environment. I would love to be able to work from home! Unfortunately, after looking over the site, I could foresee that there might differences in personal ethics; however, it might be possible to work on a project in which I would agree with the organization.

Catholic Relief Services

               I might also like to work for Catholic Relief Services as a 4Children Uganda Project Director. 4Children is a program to strengthen families, prevent AIDS, and help orphans. This job sounded interesting because it was with a Catholic organization and I would really be helping children; however, it would be very difficult for me to work in Uganda, for which a job was posted, because I don’t think my husband would agree to go as a family with me and our children.

               Here are some of the requirements for this job:

“Master’s degree in Sociology, Social Work, Public Health, International Development, or a related field.

10+ years of experience in programs focused on OVC and/or child protection programming; experience with parenting/family strengthening programs, case management approaches and social service systems strengthening strongly preferred.

There was also a very long list of what CRS hoped the candidate had already accomplished in his or her career. Here is a link to that job:

International Step by Step Association (ISSA)

I liked that they had online trainings.

ISSA offers the following services:

    Capacity Building - ISSA provides opportunities for enriching members’ capacity to carry out innovative programs: workshops, thematic meetings, member exchanges, technical assistance and license to resources developed by ISSA.    

    Community Building - ISSA promotes shared values in the network and links the membership into a strong international learning community across Europe and Central Asia.    

    Amplifier - ISSA supports advocacy for change, actions and interventions serving ISSA’s mission on behalf of young children and their families.   

    Convener - ISSA provides its members with network representation and support for building partnerships with international networks and other stakeholders.  From

ISSA offers online courses and trainings in the following areas:

    Early Childhood Development

    Quality in Early Childhood Education

    Quality in Home Visiting Services

    Embracing Diversity

    Second Language Learning


This is UNESCO’s mission: UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Organization focuses, in particular, on two global priorities.

I chose to look up UNESCO because it is part of the United Nations, and I heard so much about the United Nations when I was in elementary school.

There were jobs posted, but they were not related to early childhood, and they were in Paris, France.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Zero to Three, NAEYC, The American Music Therapy Association, National Head Start Association and Jobs!

Zero to Three

I chose NAEYC and Zero to Three because they are organizations that I have been familiar with throughout my master’s program at Walden and even during my Bachelor’s program in psychology/child development at Walden. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the journal of the NAEYC as well as looking at the pictures in the journal of the NAEYC. I have also enjoyed browsing through the Zero to Three web site throughout the last eight years.

               I also chose the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) at I chose this organization because it is not directly related to early childhood but it represents music as a healing medium and it also represents my unique musical talent just as my colleagues probably have organizations that represent their unique talents and interests. I also chose this organization because my project is related to the power of music to make the lives of older people and preschoolers more enjoyable.

               The AMTA did not post jobs on their web site; however, the site included information about the education a person would need to work as a Music therapist. It also explained that an interested person could become a music therapist if he or she had a bachelor’s degree and did not want to get a second degree but only take course work particular to music therapy. The AMTA explained,

               Individuals who have a baccalaureate degree may elect to complete the degree equivalency program in music therapy offered by most AMTA-approved universities. Under this program, the student completes only the coursework necessary for equivalent music therapy training without necessarily earning a second baccalaureate degree. Some schools may require that the student's initial degree be in music. (AMTA, 2016).

I found this interesting and I will keep my options open with this in mind.

•Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you

In its September, 2016 issue, Young Children advertised a NAEYC job with as a peer reviewer for Young Children magazine. Another name for this position is Consulting Editor.   “Consulting Editors provide feedback that gives NAEYC editors and authors guidance on content structure, content relevance to NAEYC members and the early childhood field, and the research on which the content is based” (NAEYC, 2016, p. 51). The prerequisites for this job are either a person has worked as an early childhood teacher, a person has worked in the field of higher education, or a person has worked as a trainer for the professional development of those in the early childhood field (NAEYC, 2016).

I am not ready to apply for this job; however, many of you might be ready for this job and enjoy it.  If interested, send your resume or curriculum vitae to

The Zero to Three job can be found at the following link:,-dc-jobs-j20395268.html . The title of this job is Virtual Learning Specialist. The work site for this job would be flexible. It sounds like a person might be able to work from home! This job would include developing Virtual Learning Products at Zero to Three. The products aid in the professional development of professionals who work with very young children. The specialist specifically would be an administrator for the Virtual Learning Products.

I would probably enjoy working in this department, and after I learned more about online learning products, I would also love to be an administrator! I have learned about learning online in my Teaching Adults in the Early Childhood Field Class. I have also been an online learner. I believe these experiences would give me some skills I need to work with Virtual Learning products; however, before I became a supervisor, I would like to learn more about the technical side of online learning.

National Head Start Association

I chose Head Start because I used to work at a Head Start and because everybody, who worked at my Head Start, was so positive. After having worked in a day care in which there was gossip and personal problems, it was so refreshing to work where employees acted like professionals!

Head Start gives grants to other organizations to implement the Head Start program. My Head Start was under a community action agency called Peoria Citizens Committee for Economic Opportunity (PCCEO). My paycheck came from PCCEO. I worked as an assistant teacher. I functioned as the English speaker in a dual language classroom.

Here are two jobs posted by PCCEO Head Start

Early Childhood Teacher
Head Start
923 W. Millman St.
$12.40 - $16.87/ hr.


The Early Childhood Teacher under the supervision of the Education Coordinator for the Head Start ensures the growth and development of the children enrolled in the center.


  • An AA/BA or BS advanced degree in Child Development or Early Childhood Education or;
  • A degree in a field related to Early Childhood Education with a minimum of 6 hours in Child Development or
  • Early Childhood Education experience in teaching preschool children and the State of Illinois-04 certificate or ;
  • A state-awarded certificate for preschool teachers that meets or exceeds the requirements for a child development associate credential;
  • Completion of the CDA credentialing program of the Council for Professional Recognition with a current CDA credential with preschool center base endorsement and;
  • Experience in early childhood education or a related field. 

I wouldn’t mind going back to Head Start again, and I might like to teach undergraduate, lower-level child development courses in addition to this if time would allow. One of my Walden instructors in my Bachelor’s program was a Head Start teacher.

Family Development Specialist (Early Head Start)
Early Head Start
426 West Main Street Peoria, Illinois


The EHS Family Development Specialist is responsible for planning and scheduling home visits (1.5 hours/per week) encompassing child health, development services and family case management. Low income pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers are the target population. Direct supervision is provided by the Family Partnerships Coordinators. Additional support is offered by the Education/Disabilities, Family Services and Community Partnerships Coordinators. Evening activities and family socializations are scheduled.  Opportunities to recruit new families generate referrals and assist families to manage their life is a rewarding aspect of this position.


  • Bachelor’s or Associates degree in social service or human development field;
  • Must have two (2) years Case Management experience or equivalent experience in social service or human development;
  • Ability to manage groups;
  • Ability to make sound professional judgments;
  • Effective oral and written communication skills;
  • Knowledgeable of computer software and applications;
  • Must be able to perform the essential functions of the job description;
  • Must have and maintain a valid Illinois Driver’s License, reliable transportation and insurance coverage as required by the State of Illinois, and qualify for a CDL license.

I really like the idea of working with families to help them be successful!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Helpful Local Organizations for Early Childhood and others as well as Interesting Jobs with Requirements

I hope the following information about organizations and jobs local to the town in Illinois where I live will help you complete your university projects or find the job of your dreams!

                I chose the following organizations:
1.       Illinois Gateways
2.       Skip-a-Long Child Care Connection (SALCCC)
3.       Heart of Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children (HIAEYC)
4.       Illinois Department on Aging

I chose the websites of the three early childhood organizations because I am already familiar with these organizations and have benefitted from their services. I have also met people who have worked for the HIAEYC and the SALCCC. I chose the Department of Aging because of my special interest in intergenerational care and connections. There was a section on the Department of Aging website on intergenerational activities. Here is the web address for that:

Job 1. I would love to be an Infant/Toddler Care Specialist with SALCCC. To be an infant/toddler specialist, a candidate should have a knowledge of “principles and practices of quality infant care, DCFS licensing standards for infant care, agencies/services available to parents and providers, data reports and information, and credential requirements.” The candidate should also have a “minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in child development, early childhood education or related field; four years of experience working with young children with a minimum of one year in an infant/toddler child care setting; specialists shall complete the following Gateways to Opportunity credentials within 18 months of employment: ECE Credential Level 5 and Infant Toddler Credential Level 5.” The Credential Level 5 is a requirement acquired by submitting information and transcripts about my education to the Illinois Gateways website that I previously mentioned. I have the education and experience, and I am working with Illinois Gateways on a transcript review to get a level 5 or level 6 (after I get my master’s degree) credential.

Job 2. I would also like to work with Gateways as a credential specialist. A credential specialist looks over a candidate’s education, training, and experience and suggests further opportunities to help each candidate receive the credential they desire. Right now, I am working with a specialist to receive my levels 5 and 6 credentials.

Job 3. I would love to work for the Children’s Home in my home town in Illinois! The Children’s Home needs a resource specialist. The resource specialist is required to recruit, license, maintain, and retain homes for foster children. This job requires that the candidate have a bachelor’s degree in psychology or sociology and have experience with child welfare. I have a degree in psychology, but I am not sure whether my experience as a Head Start teacher or teaching free swim lessons at the Y to children from schools in high poverty areas would qualify as welfare. Here is the website for that job:

Job 4. I would also like to be a child and family intervention specialist with the Children’s Home. This is how the responsibilities for this job are described on the website: “Provides clinical services to children and their families in the home, school and community.” For this job the candidate is required to have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, counseling or social work. The candidate for this job is required to have experience or training to enable the candidate to work with children who have problems. The candidate should also have “strong interpersonal skills; strong written and oral communication skills; ability to effectively relate to youth, families, community agencies and referral sources.” I might need more training for this job, but I do have relevant education and experience. Here is the web address for this job:

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hi Everyone!

I have known some of you longer than others. What I have appreciated most is the experiences you all have shared from you various places of work in early childhood. Thank you so much for sharing. As the week goes on, I hope to share my contact information with you all.
I am going into teaching adults. I am hoping to take a longer break before I start that.

Good Luck!

Liz Thomas